唐远,博士,副教授,硕士生导师 入选湖北省有关人才计划,中国有色金属学会矿物功能材料专业委员会委员 地址:中国.湖北.武汉.雄楚大街693号,suncitygroup太阳集团 suncitygroup太阳集团,suncitygroup太阳集团 邮编:430074 Email:yuan.tang@wit.edu.cn 学术兼职: 《化工矿物与加工》编委;《suncitygroup太阳集团学报》《中国有色金属学报》《工程科学学报》《International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials》《金属矿山》等中、英学术期刊青年编委 2016.09至2021.01 东北大学,资源与土木工程学院,矿物加工工程,工学博士 2018.09至2019.10 Queen’s University (Canada),MiningEngineering,联合培养博士 2013.09至2016.04 福州大学,紫金矿业学院,矿物加工工程,工学硕士 2009.09至2013.06 suncitygroup太阳集团,环境与城市建设学院,矿物加工工程,工学学士 2023.11-至 今 suncitygroup太阳集团,资源循环科学与工程教研室,副教授 2021.3 ~2023.10,suncitygroup太阳集团,资源循环科学与工程教研室,讲师 矿物分离理论与技术、贵金属提取冶金、固废和废水处置、药剂分子设计 L 科研项目: [1] 国家自然科学基金青年基金,No. 52104263,2022.01-2024.12,主持; [2] 湖北省重点研发计划项目,No. 2023BCB079,2023.05-2025.10,主持; [3] 国家磷资源开发利用工程技术研究中心开放基金项目,No. NECP2023-14,2023.04-2025.04,主持 L 代表性论文: [1] Tang Yuan*, Xu Changming, Chen Qunshan, Li Qianqian, He Dongsheng, Li Zhili, Fu Yanhong. Effect of a novel environmental-friendly chelating depressant DTPMP on the flotation separation of magnesite and dolomite, Applied Surface Science, (2025) 690, 162650 [2] He Dongsheng, Chen Beibei, Tang Yuan*, Li Qianqian, Zhang Kecheng, Li Zhili, Xu Changming. The enhanced adsorption properties of phosphorus from aqueous solutions using lanthanum modified synthetic zeolites, Green Processing and Synthesis, 12 (2023) 20230106 [3] Tang Y, Sun H, Yin W, Yang B, Cao S, Wang D, Kelebek S. Computational modeling of cetyl phosphate adsorption on magnesite (104) surface, Minerals Engineering, 171 (2021) 107123 [4] Tang Y, Yin W, Kelebek S. Magnesite-dolomite separation using potassium cetyl phosphate as a novel flotation collector and related surface chemistry, Applied Surface Science, 508 (2020) 145191 [5] Tang Y, Yin W, Kelebek S. Selective flotation of magnesite from calcite using potassium cetyl phosphate as a collector in the presence of sodium silicate, Minerals Engineering, 146 (2020) 106154 [6] Tang Y, Yin W, Huang S, Zuo W. Enhancement of gold agitation leaching by HPGR comminution via microstructural modification of gold ore particles, Minerals Engineering, 159 (2020) 106639 [7] Tang Y, Kelebek S, Yin W. Surface chemistry of magnesite and calcite flotation and molecular dynamics simulation of their cetyl phosphate adsorption, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 603 (2020) 125246. [8] Tang Y, Yao J, Yin W, Kelebek S. Molecular dynamics simulation of cetyl phosphate adsorption in flotation of magnesite and pertinent chemical aspects, Minerals. 10 (2020) 761 [9] Tang Y, Yin W, Kelebek S. Molecular dynamics simulation of magnesite and dolomite in relation to flotation with cetyl phosphate, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, (2020). [10] Tang Y, Yin W, Wang J, Zuo W, Cao S. Effect of HPGR comminution scheme on particle properties and heap leaching of gold, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 59 (2020) 324-330. L 国家发明专利: [1] 唐远,陈琲琲,裴丰,等,ZL202210841523.3,一种混合捕收剂及其在浮选分离钙镁碳酸盐矿物中的应用; [2] 唐远,陈琲琲,程晨,等,ZL202210853293.2,一种组合捕收剂及其制备方法和应用; [3] 李智力,杨丘,唐远,等,ZL202210340946.7,一种化工副产铁泥的综合回收利用工艺; [4] 李智力,郑慧丽,唐远,等,ZL202210324324.5,一种羟基磷灰石/埃洛石纳米管复合吸附材料及其制备方法和应用; [5] 李智力,陈飞,唐远,等,ZL202210318758.4,一种胶磷矿同步脱除硅镁杂质的反浮选工艺及其捕收剂。 L 获奖: [1] 2024年,湖北省科学技术进步奖,二等奖; [2] 2023年,中国有色金属工业科技进步奖,一等奖; [3] 2023年,中国发明协会发明创新奖,二等奖; [4] 2023年,中国化学矿业协会优秀论文奖,一等奖; [5] 2022年,《International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials》优秀论文奖。 |