邓博纳,讲师,硕士生导师 地址:中国.湖北.武汉.雄楚大街693号,suncitygroup太阳集团 suncitygroup太阳集团,suncitygroup太阳集团 邮编:430074 Email: bndeng@126.com 教育背景: 2016.09至2020.06 中南大学,钢铁冶金专业,工学博士 2018.09至2019.08 University of Waterloo (加拿大),Chemical Engineering,联合培养博士 2013.09至2016.06 中南大学,矿业工程专业,硕士 2009.09至2013.06 suncitygroup太阳集团,矿物加工工程专业,学士 2020.07至今,suncitygroup太阳集团,suncitygroup太阳集团,讲师 [1] 大宗固废综合利用 [2] 共伴生稀有稀散金属提取 [3] 固废材料化增值利用 L 科研项目: [1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,赤泥高温原位生成稀土掺杂钙钛矿的光催化性能研究,No.52104401,主持 [2] 国家自然科学基金重点项目,莫来石原位支撑钼精矿氧化挥发与钼铼高效分离的基础研究,参与. L 代表性论文: [1] Bowen Li; Bona Deng*; Yuqi Yao; Chuanli Wang; Yaoyang Ruan; Fang Zhou; Ru’an Chi; Hanquan Zhang; Distinct extraction behaviors of La/Ce and Sc/Y in the phosphoric acidic leachate of bauxite residues and their sequential extraction with Di-(2-Ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid as extractant, Minerals, 2023,13(10):1345. [2] 葛竺艳, 邓博纳*, 姚雨琦, 张海波, 王鹏飞, 阮耀阳, 张汉泉. 赤泥磷酸浸出选择性脱硅, 有色金属(冶炼部分), 2023, /(8):37-42. [3] 李博文, 姚雨琦, 高少轩, 阮耀阳, 罗惠华, 邓博纳*. 赤泥磷酸浸出液中稀土的萃取行为研究, 化工矿物与加工, 2023, 52(8):1-5+25. 其他. [4] 阮耀阳, 邓博纳*, 刘明霞, 周芳. 赤泥中有价组分梯级分离综合性实验, 实验技术与管理, 2022, 39(8):167-171. [5] Deng BN, Li G H*, Luo J, Ye Q, Liu M X, Peng Z W, Jiang T. Enrichment of Sc2O3andTiO2 from bauxite ore residues, Journal of Hazardous Materials.2017, 331, 71-80. (SCI, Top 期刊,IF: 9.038,中科院一区/ JCR一区) [6] Deng B N, Si P X, Bauman L, Luo J, Rao M J, Peng Z W, Jiang T, Li G H*,Zhao B X*. Photocatalytic activity of CaTiO3 derived from roastingprocess of bauxite residue. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020,244, 118598. (SCI, Top 期刊,IF: 7.246,中科院一区/ JCR一区) [7] Deng B N, Li G H*, Luo J*, Ye Q, Liu M X, Rao M J, Jiang T. Bauman L,Zhao B X. Selectively leaching the iron-removed bauxite residues withphosphoric acid for enrichment of rare earth elements. Separation andPurification Technology. 2019, 227, 115714. (SCI, Top期刊,IF: 5.774,中科院一区/JCR一区) [8] Deng B N, Li G H*, Luo J, Ye Q, Liu M X, Rao M J*, Peng Z W, Jiang T. Selectiveextraction of rare earth elements over TiO2 from bauxite residuesafter removal of their Fe-, Si-,and Al-bearing constituents. JOM.2018,70, 2869-2876. (SCI, IF: 2.029, 中科院三区/ JCR一区) [9] Deng BN,Li G H*, Luo J, Zeng J H, Rao M J, Peng Z W, Jiang T. Alkaline digestionbehavior and alumina extraction from sodium aluminosilicate generated inpyrometallurgical process. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgyand Materials, 2018, 25, 1380-1388. (SCI, IF: 1.713, 中科院三区/ JCR二区) [10] Deng BN,Jiang T, Li G H*, Ye Q, Gu F Q, Rao M J, Peng Z W. Effects of reductiveroasting with sodium salts on leaching behavior of non-ferrous elements inbauxite ore residue. Light Metals 2018, The Minerals, Metals &Materials Series. 157-164. ( EI ) L 国家发明专利: [1] 一种从赤泥预处理得到的富钪渣中提取钪的方法,授权国家发明专利,ZL201610969378.1 [2] 一种从赤泥中富集钪的方法,授权国家发明专利,ZL 201510867655.3 [3] 一种用于合成托贝莫来石晶须的添加剂及其应用,授权国家发明专利,ZL201610239166.8 [4] 一种以粉煤灰为原料合成托贝莫来石晶须的方法,授权国家发明专利,ZL201610239049. |