刘明霞,副教授,硕士生导师 地址:中国.湖北.武汉.雄楚大街693号,suncitygroup太阳集团 suncitygroup太阳集团,suncitygroup太阳集团 邮编:430074 Email:19089202@wit.edu.cn 学术兼职: 《矿产综合利用》、《化工与矿物加工》青年编委;Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry、Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering、Colloids and Surface A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects等期刊审稿专家 2011.09-2019.01 中南大学,矿业工程,工学博士 2017.07-2018.01 University of Alberta,化学工程与材料学院,助理研究员 2014.09-2016.09 University of Alberta,化学工程与材料学院,联合培养博士 2007.09-2011.06 中南大学,矿物加工工程,工学学士 2023.11至 今 suncitygroup太阳集团,suncitygroup太阳集团/suncitygroup太阳集团,副教授 2019.08至2023.11,suncitygroup太阳集团,suncitygroup太阳集团/suncitygroup太阳集团,讲师 矿物加工与提取冶金、浮选工艺与理论、固体废物综合利用 L 科研项目: [1] 国家自然科学基金青年基金,No. 52104264,主持; [2] 湖北省教育厅中青年人才项目,No.Q20201505,主持; [3] suncitygroup太阳集团科学基金项目,主持; [4] 校企合作项目,硫精矿制备磷酸铁技术开发,主持; [5] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,No. 22078285,参加; [6] 校企合作项目,磷矿正反浮选尾矿全量化利用试验研究,主持; [7] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,No. 52074195,参加; [8] 国家自然科学基金重点项目,No.51234008,,参加; L 代表性论文: [1] Hong Yu, Long Liu, Mingxia Liu*, Hanquan Zhang, Run Mao. Waster control by waste: recovering iron from red mud with the effect of phosphogypsum-included additive. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 2024. 206: 107641 [2] Mingxia Liu, Zhaohui Yao, Chaojie Hu, Kang Xu, Ruixu Wang, Hanquan Zhang*. Activation behavior and mechanism of sodium sulfate for iron recovery from red mud through magnetization roasting-magnetic separation. JOM, 2024, 76(7):3447-3456. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11837-024-06605-3 [3] Mingxia Liu; Hong Yu; Hanquan Zhang*; Kaipeng Wang; Xiaoli Tan; Qi Liu*. Roles of the Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Groups of Collectors in the Flotation of Different-Sized Mineral Particles. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2022. 637: 128262 [4] 顾恒光,范宛惠,谢蕾,等.某高硫铜矿预选铜尾矿活化浮硫试验研究[J].中国矿业, 2024, 33(7):234-244. [5] 郝娇,毛润,胡超杰,张汉泉,刘明霞*. 添加剂活化赤泥磁化焙烧-弱磁选回收铁. 矿冶工程,2023,43(2): 91-96. [6] 刘明霞,胡超杰,姬志杰,张汉泉. 赤泥磁化焙烧——磁选提铁试验研究. 烧结球团,2022,47(2):74-80. [7] Mingxia Liu, Hao Li, Tao Jiang, Qi Liu*. Flotation of coarse and fine pyrochlore using octyl hydroxamic acid and sodium oleate. Minerals Engineering, 2019, 132:191-201. [8] Mingxia Liu, Changgen Wang, Jun Luo, Mingjun Rao*, Guanghui Li, Tao Jiang. Sodium salts assisted separation and enrichment of valuable components from Lateritic Iron Ore. JOM, 2019. 71(9): 3181-3189 [9] 谢蕾, 宋文强, 邢张溪, 陈官华, 刘明霞*, 余洪.低品位含金硫酸渣氯化焙烧-浸出工艺研究[J].矿冶工程,2022,42(05):119-123. [10] Hanquan Zhang, Feng Zhou, Hong Yu, Mingxia Liu*. Double roles of sodium hexametaphosphate on the flotation of dolomite from apatite. Colloids and Surface A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2021, 626:1-9. [11] 余洪,宋文强,张汉泉,陈官华,刘明霞*.硫精矿中铜钴同步浸出试验研究[J].矿冶工程,2021,41(05):89-92. L 获奖: 2022年suncitygroup太阳集团百佳导师、2023年suncitygroup太阳集团优秀班主任 |