康钦容,副教授,硕士生导师 地址:中国.湖北.武汉.雄楚大街693号,suncitygroup太阳集团 suncitygroup太阳集团,suncitygroup太阳集团 邮编:430074 Email: kang801118@163.com 学术兼职: 《金属矿山》审稿人 2007.09-2011.12 重庆大学、采矿工程专业 工学博士 2003.09-2007.07 重庆大学、安全技术及工程专业 工学硕士 1999.09-2003.07 重庆大学、采矿工程专业 工学学士 2018.1-至 今 suncitygroup太阳集团,suncitygroup太阳集团/suncitygroup太阳集团,副教授 2012.6-2017.12 suncitygroup太阳集团,资源与土木工程学院采矿工程,讲师 矿山安全、 地质灾害防治 L 科研项目: [1] 国家自然科学基金青年基金,No. 51804222,主持; [2] 湖北省中低品位磷矿资源开发利用协同创新中心开放基金,主持; [3]浙江省山体地质灾害防治协同创新中心开放基金,No.PCMGH-2021-01,主持; [4]重庆大学国家重点实验室开放课题,2011DA105287—KF201308,主持; [5]中铁隧道集团二处有限公司科研项目,主持。 L 代表性论文: [1] Kang Qinrong K ; Zhang Weizhong; Huang Gun; Zhang Dianji ; Theoretical and experimental bifurcation analysis of rock under plane strain compression, Arabian Journal of Geosciences,2019, 12(23): 1-10. [2]Liu, Defeng; Yan, Wenxin; Yan, Su; Kang, Qinrong K* ; Study on the effect of axial and hydraulic pressure coupling on the creep behaviors of sandstone under multi-loading, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2021, 80(8): 6107-6120. [3]Qinrong Kang Q ; Yuandi Xia; Minghan Shi; Weizhong Zhang; Weiqing Wang; Dehua Kong; Yunpeng Wang ; Evaluation of Rock Burst Propensity and Rock Burst Mechanism in Deep Phosphate Mines: A Case Study of Sujiapo Phosphate Mine, Hubei Province, China, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2022, 2022: 1-13. [4] Qinrong Kang Q ; Yuandi Xia; Xiaoshuang Li; Weizhong Zhang; Chaoran Feng ; Study on the Effect of Moisture Content and Dry Density on Shear Strength of Silty Clay Based on Direct Shear Test, Advances in Civil Engineering, 2022, 2022(-): 1-9. [5] Tao Wang; Qinrong Kang Q ; Xiangyang Zhang; Xiangxi Xu; Wenpu Li; Huan Zhang ; Study on the influence of hole defects with different shapes on the mechanical behavior and damage law of coal and rock, PLOS ONE, 2022, 17(3): 1-19. L 国家发明专利: [1] 张卫中, 康钦容, 邱锋,等.ZL 2020 2 0040243.6; L 获奖: [1] 湖北省科技进步三等奖1项; [2]中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步一等奖1项; [3]中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步三等奖1项。 |